Photo: Darwin Supreme Court: a group of nine larrakitj, or ceremonial log coffins presented by the Dhudi Djapu clan of Dhuruputjpi.
I hope that I have got the link right on this on.
One of my favourite blogs is Will Owen's Aboriginal Art and Culture: an American Eye.
Growing up, we painted stones in primary school in the Aboriginal style. There was a fair bit of Aboriginal material around.
Then in the seventies and eighties all this seemed to disappear as Australia focused instead on the wrongs of past Aboriginal/European relations rather then the Aborigines themselves.
Today in modern Australia with its multiple ethnic groups, Aboriginal art is coming back. To more traditional Australians such as myself, Aboriginal art resonates because it is an expression of the relationship between humankind and the Australian environment.
I wish I knew more about the different streams in Aboriginal art. One day I will learn. For the moment, I will simply enjoy.
I find aboriginal art fascinating, although I understand there are hidden levels of meaning which are not open to me. The stuff on ebay seemed a bit limited. Does anyone know of another auction site with a better range?
We recently launced a new auction website for aboriginal art it called www.onlyaboriginalart.com. It has a great range of painting and other abjects.
Didgeridoo is the one of the most exciting tool of aboriginal art of that time. People may use it for some special purpose like for calling group, when they were happy or some other purpose.
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