Information about work, life and play in Regional Australia

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Regional Australia - Migration Matters

Many areas of Regional Australia face shortages of skilled labour. Overseas people interested in moving to Regional Australia should therefore consider the Australian Government's Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme.

Administered by the Department of Immigration & Multicultural Affairs (DIMA), the scheme allows employers in regional or low population growth areas of Australia to fill skilled positions that they are unable to fill from the local labour market. Any employer can participate except those located in the metropolitan areas of Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne and Perth. The position being offered to the migrant must be full-time and for a minimum of two years.

For more information go to This includes contact details for state bodies that prospective migrants can approach.

Propsective migrants should also consider applying to the Skill Matching Database. Also adminstered by DIMA, this assists employers to identify prospective skilled employees from overseas. The Skill Matching Database contains the educational, employment and work details of around 6000 skilled people representing more than 300 trades and professions.

The database is available through the DIMA website at


Anonymous said...

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