Information about work, life and play in Regional Australia

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Versatility of Olive Oil

Earlier in June I found out from a story on olives1o1, the versatility of olive oil, that if I put olive oil into the fridge it would turn into a spread. I did not know that and have been meaning to try it, using one of Australia's increasing range of local olive oils (here, here, here).

I went into the local supermarket today and suddenly found - I am sure that it is new - a shelf of olive oil spreads. I bought one to try, but when I came home I found that despite the country looking label was a margarine look-alike using local and imported ingredients. So I will have to try olives101 original suggestion.


Small Business USA said...

cool blog!

Remember industry always compromises quality for profits. Many think it is purchasing power, and that is some of profits but the major portion of profits come from reduced quality of the basic materials.

We use olive oil as a spread without refrigerating. Sometimes we will add salt, pepper and a hint of wine vinegar.

Jim Belshaw said...

Nice suggestion re olive oil.

Growing up, olive oil was something you bought at chemists foe medicinal purposes. Now, all those year's later, I am amazed at what one can do with olive oil.