Photo: Australian Farmers' Market
In my last story on Orange, I spoke of the Orange Farmers' Market.
Farmers' markets are an emerging phenomenon in countries such as the US, the UK and Australia as a reaction to mass-distributed supermarket food.
For producers, they provide an alternative market. For consumers they represent a way back to the world of quality and individual choice so well described for Italy in David Anderson's View Italy blog.
As a hint with David's blog, if you have time at any point use the search facility on as many topics you like just to explore some of his past stories.
In Australia, the Australian Farmers' Market Association provides a peak body for the sector. Their web site includes a list of markets organised by state or territory.
Thank you so much for the mention! There is a growing, albeit still very small, portion of the population thinking about quality of food. The Farmer's Markets could be an excellent alternative, paritcularly in cases of bacteria contamination of the big farms (seems like we are having 1 a week now).
Interesting, David. I think that it's partially a matter of education, which is where View Italy of course comes in. It's also a question of availability.
My daughters are an interesting case study. Now they will only eat free range chickens because they taste better. They have almost a 100 per cent track record in catching me if I serve something else!
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