At the end of my first post on Cultural Activities in Regional Australia I said that I would devote some posts to a preliminary look at cultural activities across Regional Australia.
This first post simply provides a few information sources.
Regional Arts Australia On Line provides a national entry point for arts activities across Regional Australia. It includes a range of useful links. ABC Arts On Line also provides national stories across Regional Australia.
Another national site is the Australia Council's Arts in Regional Australia. Craft Australia provides information on regional galleries supporting craft activities. CAN (Collections Australia Network) provides a valuable entry point for musuems and collections across Australia.
At state level, there are various arts bodies with a regional focus. An initial list follows:
- Regional Arts NSW provides an entry point for cultutal activities across regional NSW. Its e-bulletin provides regular updates. The Regional Galleries Association of NSW provides an entry point for the various regional art galleries spread across NSW.
- Regional Arts Victoria provides a similar service for that state.
- The Queensland Arts Council claims to be Australia's largest regional arts network. The Regional Galleries Association of Queensland provides information about Queensland's regional galleries.
- Country Arts SA provides the same service to regional South Australia.
- Arts NT provides some information about activities in the Northern Territory. Artback also provides NT information.
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